# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
API Gateway module
from .service import Service
from requests import Response
[docs]class Apigw(object):
API Gateway instance.
Create this instance for each API (apiname, method and subpath)
api = necbaas.Apigw(service, "api1", "GET", "a/b/c")
service (Service): Service
apiname (str): API name
method (str): Method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
subpath (str): Sub-path (optional)
service (Service): Service
apiname (str): API name
method (str): Method (GET/POST/PUT/DELETE)
subpath (str): Sub-path (optional)
def __init__(self, service, apiname, method, subpath=None):
# type: (Service, str, str, str) -> None
if subpath.startswith("/"):
subpath = subpath[1:]
self.service = service
self.apiname = apiname
self.method = method
self.subpath = subpath
[docs] def execute(self, data=None, json=None, query=None, headers=None):
# type: (any, dict, dict, dict) -> Response
Execute API Gateway.
Return value is 'Response' object of 'requests' library.
res = api.execute(json={"temperature": 26.3})
status = res.status() # get status code
json = res.json() # response body of JSON as dict
data (any): Request body, in bytes or file-like object. This overrides 'json' argument. (optional)
json (dict): Request body of JSON. (optional)
query (dict): Query parameters. (optional)
headers (dict): Headers. (optional)
Response: Response of 'requests' library.
path = "api/" + self.apiname
if self.subpath is not None:
path = path + "/" + self.subpath
return self.service.execute_rest(self.method, path, query=query, data=data, json=json, headers=headers)